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10 reasons why Durham is a great place to live

Why Durham is not just a great place to live, but also a place we’re all proud to call home.

Welcome to Durham, a hidden gem in North East England that’s full of surprises. From its rich history to its stunning countryside, there’s a lot to love about living here.

It’s a place where the past and present mix perfectly, creating a unique vibe that you won’t find anywhere else. Whether you’ve called Durham home for years or you’re new to the area, there’s always something new to discover.

Let’s dive into why Durham is not just a great place to live, but also a place we’re all proud to call home.

1. It’s long and important history

Durham’s not just any old city – it’s a living history book. With the Durham Cathedral and Castle, you’re walking in the footsteps of kings and saints. Everywhere you look, there’s a story to tell, from the old city walls to the cobbled streets.

Including places further afield like Bishop Aukland which played a huge role in the formation of the country we know today. The Prince Bishops of Durham were only second in importance to the King of England.

And we don’t just look back. Durham keeps moving forward, blending the old with the new. It’s a place where you can feel the past in the air but still enjoy a coffee in a modern café. It’s this mix of yesterday and today that makes Durham’s history so special.

2. Durham City

Durham City is like a postcard come to life. It’s small enough to feel cosy but big enough that there’s always something new to see or do. From the impressive cathedral towering over the city to the little shops and cafes, Durham has a charm that’s all its own.

It’s easy to get around, and everywhere you go, you’ll find friendly faces and a welcoming atmosphere. Whether you’re checking out a local market or enjoying a picnic by the river, Durham City feels like a community. It’s a place where people know your name and make you feel at home.

Author Bill Bryson once called Durham “the most perfect little city in the world.” It’s easy to see why with its beautiful old buildings and friendly vibe. It’s a small city with a big heart, and there’s always something going on.

3. Durham’s beautiful countryside

Just a stone’s throw from the city, Durham’s countryside is a world of its own. The Durham Dales are a paradise for anyone who loves the outdoors. Think rolling hills, lush fields, and quiet country lanes perfect for a Sunday drive or a family hike.

As part of the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, it’s a place where you can breathe in fresh air and take a break from the hustle and bustle.

Whether you’re into bird watching, rambling, or just enjoying a picnic with a view, Durham’s countryside is the perfect spot. It’s our little slice of peace and quiet, right on the doorstep.

4. It’s iconic buildings

County Durham is scattered with some truly iconic buildings, each telling a story of our rich and varied history. From the towering Durham Cathedral, a masterpiece of Norman architecture and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, to the grand Durham Castle, which has stood the test of time since the 11th century.

We’ve got medieval marvels like Raby Castle, with its imposing towers, and Lumley Castle, which mixes history with a touch of luxury.

Places like Ushaw Historic House and Durham Town Hall speak to our educational and civic roots, while Seaham Hall whispers tales of romantic poets. Hardwick Hall Hotel and Shire Hall show the evolution of our grand estates from private homes to public treasures.

And then there’s Escomb Church, one of England’s oldest surviving Anglo-Saxon churches, standing as a testament to our early Christian heritage. Each of these buildings is a chapter in Durham’s story, showcasing our past and shaping our present.

5. The cheap(er) cost of living

Living in Durham means you get more bang for your buck. Compared to a lot of other places, your money goes further here. Housing is affordable, whether you’re buying or renting, which means you can have a nice place to live without breaking the bank.

And it’s not just housing – from grocery shopping to a night out, you’ll find that your pound stretches further. This makes life in Durham not just enjoyable but also practical.

It means you can spend less on the essentials and have more left over for the fun stuff – like supporting our local football team or enjoying a pint with friends.

6. It’s prime location in the heart of North East England

Durham’s location is perfect if you want the best of both worlds. We’re tucked away in a spot that’s peaceful and quiet, but we’re also just a short drive or train ride away from some of the region’s biggest cities. Need to head to Newcastle for a shopping spree or catch a football match in Sunderland? No problem.

Even better, you can easily escape to the seaside or explore the nearby countryside. It’s this perfect balance that makes Durham such a great base. You can enjoy the calm of a smaller city and still have the excitement of the big city nearby.

7. It’s proud industrial past

Durham’s history is steeped in industry, and we’re proud of it. Our ancestors were hard-working miners who played a huge part in powering the country including through two world wars. They worked long hours underground, showing true grit and determination.

This hard-working spirit is something that’s been passed down through generations. It’s a big part of our identity. Today, we remember and honour that past, not just in museums and memorials but in the way we live our lives.

It’s about being tough, resilient, and taking pride in where we come from. Our industrial past is not just history – it’s a source of pride and something we still celebrate today.

8. The great Durham accent

In Durham, the way we talk is part of what makes us unique. We’re not Geordies, and we’re not Mackems – we’re Durham through and through. Our accent is a badge of honour, a sign of where we come from. It’s a bit of local flavour that adds to the character of our city.

Whether you’re chatting in a pub, ordering fish and chips, or just saying hello to a neighbour, our accent is a part of everyday life. It’s friendly, it’s warm, and it’s distinctly ours. It’s one of the many things that makes Durham feel like home.

9. It’s growing economy

Durham’s economy is on the up and up. We’re not just living in the past; we’re building for the future. From high-tech industries to healthcare, Durham is becoming a hotspot for all kinds of businesses. This means more jobs and more opportunities for us locals.

It’s exciting to see new companies popping up, bringing fresh ideas and energy to our city. And it’s not just about the big businesses – there’s a growing scene of small, independent shops and cafes that are adding to the buzz. It’s a sign that Durham’s not just a great place to live, but a great place to work and grow too.

10. The people

The heart and soul of Durham? It’s the people. Around here, folks are known for being friendly and welcoming. It’s the kind of place where neighbours look out for each other and strangers are just friends you haven’t met yet. There’s a real sense of community in Durham.

It’s in the way people stop to chat in the street, the way local businesses support each other, and the way everyone comes together at community events. It’s this friendliness and sense of belonging that really sets Durham apart. It’s not just where we live – it’s who we are.

Durham’s more than just a dot on the map – it’s a community, a history, and a way of life. From our stunning cathedral to our rolling dales, from our friendly streets to our growing economy, Durham’s got it all. It’s a place where the past meets the present, where nature meets city life, and where everyone’s welcome.

Whether you’re here for the long haul or just passing through, there’s something in Durham for everyone. So here’s to Durham – our home, our pride, and our little corner of the world.